Physical training of cadets by means of boxing under the additional education program


Postgraduate student A.M. Gladkikh1
Dr. Hab., Professor R.R. Magomedov1
1Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute, Stavropol

Objective of the study was to improving the general physical fitness of young men 12-14 years old studying at a cadet school and practicing boxing through athletics and game exercises.
Methods and structure of the study. The experiment involved 24 boxing cadets aged 12-14 years who had medical clearance. Control and experimental groups were formed, 12 people each. The research was carried out on the basis of the Stavropol Presidential Cadet School. The experimental group worked according to a specially developed methodology using athletics and game exercises, in which the emphasis was on general physical training; in training, much attention was paid to general physical training, classes for which were held in the gym. A prerequisite was the inclusion of athletics exercises in the preparatory, main and final parts.
Results and conclusions. Analysis of the group average results obtained in the final testing in the control and experimental groups of cadets involved in boxing showed that in all tests characterizing the level of development of physical abilities, significant differences appeared between the groups. The results obtained allowed us to assert that the use of athletics and game exercises is an effective means of increasing the general physical fitness of cadets aged 12-14 years old who go in for boxing.

Keywords: general physical fitness, cadets, boxing, additional education program.


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