Features of physical education classes for students at universities in Russia and China


PhD, Associate Professor S.Yu. Kanina1
T.A. Chibisova1

PhD, Associate Professor E.V. Suslova1
1Ulyanovsk State University of Education, Ulyanovsk

Objective of the study was to analyze the content of physical education classes in Russian and Chinese pedagogical universities.
Methods and structure of the study. A comparative analysis of physical education classes of students from Hunan First Pedagogical University and students from Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov within the framework of the discipline «Physical Culture and Sports». Observation was carried out of 1st-3rd year students of the main medical group involved in physical education. Questionnaires and surveys were carried out to find out how satisfied students are with the content of physical education classes at their university.
Results and conclusions. This scientific work identifies the strengths and weaknesses of teaching physical education and provides some recommendations for improving this process. The study showed that Chinese university students are more satisfied with the content and organization of these classes, which is associated with the possibility of choosing a particular sport. As a result, it is proposed to take into account the experience of this country in the process of improving the content of physical education classes in Russian universities. It is necessary to consider the possibilities of introducing digital technologies from Russian developers into the process of teaching physical education and thereby increasing interest in physical education. The use of online applications and all kinds of interactive technologies in physical education classes will increase the satisfaction of Russian students with classes and improve control over the completion of assignments.

Keywords: students, physical education and sports, physical condition, healthy lifestyle, health, higher education.


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