Aggressive sports as a means of relieving psychological stress in middle-aged women


Dr. Psych., Professor O.A. Ovsyanik1
PhD, Associate Professor T.A. Mikhailova2
Associate Professor A.A. Polosina2
Dr. Sc.Hist., Professor I.B. Shilina2
1State University of Education, Mytishchi, Moscow region
2Moscow State University of Psychology & Education, Moscow

Objective of the study is to identify the relationship between participation in aggressive sports and the manifestation of aggressiveness in women.
Methods and structure of the study. The scientific work involved 60 women aged 45–55 years (average age 50 years), living in Moscow and not professionally involved in aggressive sports (boxing, taekwondo, kickboxing). The women were divided into two groups (masculine and androgynous) using the sex-role test S. Bem: 32 women. To determine aggressiveness, the test of A. Bass and A. Darkey was used (standardized by A.A. Khvan, Yu.A. Zaitsev and Yu.A. Kuznetsova). Women were surveyed during the period of playing sports and during the period when they did not play sports for more than three months for various reasons.
Results and conclusions. The study revealed gender differences in the manifestation of aggression: androgynous women express resentment, remorse/guilt, while masculine women express irritation, negativism and verbal aggression. Androgynous women over 45 years of age have a higher hostility index than masculine women, and engaging in aggressive sports cannot lower it below normal. While in masculine women it increases only during the period when she does not engage in sports. In masculine women, during the period when she does not engage in sports, the aggression index increases above the norm, while in androgynous women its increase occurs within the normal range.

Keywords: women over 45 years old, aggressive sports, aggression, gender, masculine, androgynous.


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