Formation of the cultural identity of student youth in conditions of involvement in national sports competitions
E.A. Favarisov
Institute of Maritime and Inland Shipping named after Hero of the Soviet Union M.P. Devyataeva - Kazan branch of the FSFEI HE "VSUWT", Kazan
Objective of the study was to form the cultural identity of student youth in terms of involvement in national sports based on a synergistic approach.
Methods and structure of the study. In the course of the experiment, a theoretical analysis of the legal and scientific-methodical literature, information and statistical data, a survey of students of universities of the Republic of Tatarstan was carried out.
Results and conclusions. The formation of the cultural identity of student youth in the Republic of Tatarstan is facilitated by holding large-scale national sports festivals. So, students take part in the annual sports "Sabantuy"; in sports circles on the Tatar national wrestling "keresh", etc. The results of the survey conducted as part of the study to determine cultural identity showed a high level of knowledge of the students of Tatarstan about the history of the republic, about famous cultural and political figures, athletes, cultivated in Tatarstan national sports. Most of the respondents expressed confidence that in the future they will continue to live and work in their “small homeland”. Young people can confidently distinguish their representative of an ethnic group from others, they have a proud awareness of belonging to their ethnic group. It has been established that holding mass national sports competitions contributes to the development of tolerance among participants, the improvement of ethnocultural communication skills, and the assimilation of the traditions of national holidays.
Keywords: synergetics, synergetic campaign, cultural identity, multiculturalism.
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