Formation of a scientific school on children's fitness


Dr. Hab., Professor E.G. Saykina1
PhD, Associate Professor Zh.E. Firileva1
PhD Yu.V. Smirnova2
PhD, Associate Professor S.V. Kuzmina1
1Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg
2Pushkin Leningrad State University, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to scientifically substantiate the formation of a scientific school on children's fitness based on the optimization of the prolonged functioning of advanced training courses, professional retraining and training of specialists in physical culture and sports.
Methods and structure of the study. In the course of the study, advanced training courses in children's fitness were organized in St. Petersburg, where effective ways of training specialists were determined. A set of software and methodological support for children's fitness was created and scientifically substantiated, dissertations were defended confirming the effectiveness of the developed fitness programs, and a scientific school of children's fitness professionals was created in St. Petersburg.
Results and conclusions. A wide range of students who have been trained in the courses made it possible to create a scientific school in which scientific research is carried out and dissertations are defended. Refresher courses directly gave impetus to the development of new fitness curricula, in particular for students of physical education universities and our university, the introduction of fitness into the educational process of bachelors, the development of higher education educational programs implemented within various areas and profiles of masters.

Keywords: advanced training, children's fitness, software and methodological support, scientific school.


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