Prospects for modernization of the program and normative basis of physical education taking into account the individual characteristics of students


PhD, Associate Professor E.M. Revenko1
T.F. Zelova1

Dr. Hab., Professor V.A. Salnikov1
1The Siberian State Automobile and Highway University (SibADI), Omsk

Objective of the study was the theoretical and experimental substantiation of the need to modernize the program-normative basis of physical education, which involves taking into account the individual-typological properties of students as one of the leading factors in the individualization of the educational process.
Methods and structure of the study. The experiment involved schoolchildren (boys) of the Lyceum No. 149 in Omsk (269 people), as well as students of the Siberian State Automobile and Highway University (SibADI) (171 people). Motor abilities of students were studied by measuring: speed, muscle strength, speed-strength ability, speed ability. Typological features of the manifestation of the properties of the nervous system were determined using arbitrary motor methods of E.P. Ilyin.
Results and conclusions. It is proved that each age period of individual development is characterized by "its own complex" - a specific set of leading features that can be implemented in the process of developing students' motor abilities. To increase the effectiveness of physical education, it is important that educational technologies be correlated with the individual characteristics of the subject of activity.

Key words: physical education, efficiency, individualization, individual typological features.


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