The impact of motor modes of different directions on the physical fitness of female students of different somatotypes


Postgraduate student Li Xun
Russian University of Sport (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Objective of the study was to assess the influence of various motor modes on the physical fitness of 18-20 year old female students with different body types.
Methods and structure of the study. The study is aimed at identifying the degree of effectiveness of the influence of various motor modes used in the framework of elective disciplines (modules) in physical culture and sports (basketball, volleyball, swimming and fitness aerobics) when conducting classes with female students aged 18-20 who have different body types. Body types were determined according to the Shtefko-Ostrovsky scheme, carpal dynamometry, motor testing, methods of mathematical statistics.
Results and conclusions. It is shown that in groups of female students with different body types, different effects from different modes of physical activity were revealed: for girls with asthenic body type, basketball and swimming lessons are the most effective; in female students of thoracic somatotype, the most favorable for the development of physical qualities were swimming and fitness aerobics; for girls of muscular body type, sports games (basketball and volleyball) are most effective; in female students of the digestive somatotype, the most favorable types of motor activity were swimming and fitness aerobics.

Keywords: female students, body types, motor modes, physical fitness.


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