Physical training of university students for military service in the process of extracurricular physical culture and sports activities


I.A. Fedotov
Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Orenburg

Objective of the study was to reveal the effectiveness of the program of extracurricular physical culture and sports activities of senior students in preparation for military service.
Methods and structure of the study. In 2021, the first part of the experimental work was carried out, in which 107 4th year students of the Orenburg State Pedagogical University took part. The pedagogical testing of graduate students led to the understanding of the need to rework both the program and the very process of preparing student youth for military service. Within the framework of the scientific research, a program of extracurricular physical culture and sports activities of a military-applied orientation was tested, which provides graduate students with the necessary physical training for military service.
Results and conclusions. The test results made it possible to identify indicators of physical fitness of graduate students in military applied skills. The implemented program of extracurricular physical culture and sports activities of a military-applied orientation made it possible to improve the results of testing in practice and increase them in the control group by 2%, 7% and 2%, in the main (experimental) group by 5%, 9%, and 4%, which, in general, ensured the positive dynamics of intermediate testing in the implementation of the program of extracurricular physical culture and sports activities at the university.

Keywords: extracurricular physical culture and sports activities, students, military-applied physical training.


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