The role of elective courses in physical culture and sports in the social adaptation of foreign students in the conditions of a Russian university


PhD, Associate Professor S.E. Volozhanin1
PhD, Associate Professor D.V. Tsybikov1
I.I. Borisova1
N.A. Tagangaeva2

1Buryat State University named after D. Banzarov, Ulan-Ude
2Buryat State Agriculture Academy named after V.R. Philippov, Ulan-Ude

Objective of the study was to substantiate the effectiveness of the use of language training tools for foreign students in the framework of the subject "Elective courses in physical culture and sports" based on an integrative approach.
Methods and structure of the study. The experiment was carried out with the participation of students of the Medical Institute of the Buryat State University named after D. Banzarov. The essence of the integrative approach was the use of didactic means of language training for foreign students in the process of physical education in the subject "Elective courses in physical culture and sports". The language skill was acquired in the course of athletics classes, which were held jointly with Russian-speaking students.
Results and conclusions. As the results of the survey showed, the majority of foreign students spoke positively for the organization of speaking practice within the framework of the educational process. They believe that this approach to conducting classes greatly contributes to the rapid assimilation of terms and concepts, the construction of phrases and the preparation of sentences and texts in Russian. Students note that in this way they form a vocabulary of professional vocabulary, which in the future will allow them to easily establish contacts with the Russian side in the business sphere. At the same time, Russian-speaking students were able to improve their language skills and speech skills in a foreign language.

Keywords: integration, educational process, elective courses in physical culture and sports, social adaptation, foreign students, language training.


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