Improving the effectiveness of physical education classes at the university based on the motivation of students


Dr. Hab., Professor M.P. Starodubtsev1
Applicant T.V. Sapsaeva1
1The Bonch-Bruevich Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to identify the interests of students in the types of motor activity in the classroom in physical culture and sports.
Methods and structure of the study. During the experiment, a survey was conducted of 80 students of the 1st and 2nd courses (17-19 years old) of the Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications. The questionnaire contained questions concerning students' preferences in the types of physical activity within the framework of the educational process.
Results and conclusions. The results of the experiment made it possible to reveal the preferences of students in the types of physical activity that can be used within the framework of the lesson. During the survey, it turned out that fitness areas are the most attractive for most students. Thus, timely identification of students' motives for physical education classes allows developing relevant teaching methods and programs, taking into account the opinions of students, which will contribute to their active involvement in the educational process of physical education.

Keywords: efficiency, interest, students, motivation, physical readiness, activity.


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