Prospects of scientific and educational-methodical development of the "Wushu Sanda" system in the light of content analysis of specialized publications
Master Hu Xiaoxuan1
Dr. Hab., PhD, Professor A.A. Peredelskiy2
1Russian University of Sport (SCOLIPE), Moscow
2Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
Objective of the study was to determine the main directions of promising scientific and educational development on this system of martial arts in modern Russia on the basis of a structural and content analysis of thematic sources in wushu-Sanda.
Methods and structure of the study. The main scientific and empirical method of structural and content analysis is the qualitative content analysis of documents. The general population accepted an array of scientific and educational publications on the topic of this study, contained in the electronic resource of the scientific library of the Russian University of Sports "GTSOLIFK". Four blocks of publications are accepted as units of analysis: doctoral and master's theses, master's theses, major publications, and small publications. Units of account are single or separate sources.
Results and conclusions. A number of sources are in the nature of popular or educational literature. The style of structuring and presentation of wushu publications in many cases differs from the traditional criteria and templates established in sports science. This difference manifests itself already at the level of the name of the robot, which greatly complicates their correct classification and grouping. Especially all of the above applies to the profile works of the last quarter of the 20th - the very beginning of the 21st century. By the middle of the first decade of the 21st century, the situation is gradually changing towards the transition to the usual sports science patterns and criteria for presenting and structuring the material, which indicates the growing process of sportization, that is, sports adaptation of martial arts and martial arts in Russia.
Keywords: "Wushu Sanda" system, directions of scientific and educational-methodical development, content analysis of specialized publications.
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