Methodological support for teachers under the retraining program «Сhess in educational organizations»


PhD, Associate Professor A.I. Alifirov
Russian State Social University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to substantiate the methodology for teaching teachers under the retraining program "Chess in Educational Organizations" and to test its effectiveness.
Methods and structure of the study. In the period 2022-2023 to implement the retraining program "Chess in Educational Institutions", teachers of the Department of Integrated Security and Physical Culture (Head of the Department, Associate Professor A.S. Firsin), conducted a content analysis of the regulatory framework in the field of chess education and sports, systematized traditional and innovative modern methods of teaching chess at school and in the system of additional education for children, as well as updated the main provisions of the methodology for organizing mass sports competitions and chess events.
Results of the study and their discussion. As recommendations on the design of the evaluation of the research activities of the final attestation works of students, the chairman of the attestation commission (A.I. Alifirov), wishes were expressed to more clearly highlight organizational and psychological and pedagogical aspects and the direction of the regulatory and legal support of pedagogical activity in secondary schools, make wider use of modern computer technologies in the defense of final attestation works.

Keywords: chess, teaching chess, didactic teaching aids.


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