The system of additional professional education as the factor of staffing in the sphere of physical culture and sport


PhD, Associate Professor G.A. Androsova1
PhD, Associate Professor E.Ya. Mikhailova1
Dr. Hab., Professor N.G. Zakrevskaya1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sports and Health, St. Petersburg 

Objective of the study was to determine the role of the professional retraining system in meeting the needs of the sphere of physical culture and sports in qualified specialists.
Methods and structure of the study. Statistical analysis of data was carried out, dynamics of indicators of labor resources in the sphere of physical culture and sports was revealed.
Results and conclusions. Analysis of official statistics data, reporting data of the Institute of Additional Education of NSU named after P.F. Lesgaft, St. Petersburg, made it possible to identify: indicators of staffing in the field of physical culture and sports; qualitative parameters of the labor resources of the industry; the possibility of solving the personnel problems of the industry through the development of professional retraining of personnel.

Keywords: branch of physical culture and sports, professional retraining, staffing, advanced training.


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