Individualization of special motor training of football players 17-19 years old based on intensification of training tasks


Applicant A.M. Mishatkin3
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor A.V. Antipov1
Dr. Hab., Professor V.P. Guba2
1State University of Education, Mytishchi, Moscow region
2Russian University of Sport (SCOLIPE), Moscow
3Moscow State University of Sports and Tourism, Moscow

Objective of the study was to prove the feasibility of individualizing the special motor training of football players aged 17-19 years based on the intensification of training tasks.
Methods and structure of the study. A formative pedagogical experiment was conducted on two groups of athletes aged 17-19 years, representing the main composition of the youth team of the Lokomotiv football academy (Moscow) during the year. To test the effectiveness of the experimental program of individualized special motor training for football players aged 17-19 years, two groups were formed: experimental (EG, n=16 people) and control (CG, n=16 people). For football players in the experimental group, high-intensity training tasks of an acyclic and game nature were proposed, taking into account the individual morphological and physical capabilities of the players (differentiation and clarification of the game role), which were carried out using the conjugate and integral method.
Results and conclusions. The obtained research results confirm the fact that the introduction into the process of special motor training of high-intensity training tasks of an acyclic and game nature, taking into account the game role, contributes to a significant improvement in distance and quantitative indicators of motor activity in the process of competitive activity of the youth football academy team.

Keywords: football, individualization, special motor training, training tasks, motor activity.


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