Improving the technique of the dynamic element “rondat backflip bending at the shoulders to the “lower” partner” in men's acrobatic pairs at the stage of highest sports mastery


A.S. Churkina1
PhD S.A. Romanchenko2
PhD, Associate Professor M.A. Rogozhnikov2
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sports and Health, St. Petersburg
2Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to develop and experimentally substantiate the use of a set of exercises to improve the technique of the dynamic element “rondat backflip bending at the shoulders to the “lower” partner” in men's acrobatic pairs at the stage of highest sports mastery.
Methods and structure of the study. The pedagogical experiment was carried out in sports organizations in St. Petersburg that provide sports training in the sport of sports acrobatics at the stage of highest sports skills, from September to December 2022. 12 male acrobatic pairs took part in the pedagogical experiment, at the stage of highest sports skill.
In the training process of men's acrobatic pairs, sets of special lead-up exercises developed by the authors were introduced, taking into account the individual approach and functional characteristics of the partners, to improve the “bonus” element – “rondat backflip bending in the shoulders to the “lower” partner” in men's acrobatic pairs.
Results and conclusions. The use of the developed set of special exercises increased the level of technical readiness of male pairs at the stage of highest sportsmanship of the experimental group at the level of reliability in four control exercises.
It has been statistically proven that the use of sets of exercises in the training process, taking into account the functional tasks of role partners in male acrobatic pairs and the use of simulation exercises, allows one to increase the level of performance skills while improving the technique of “rondat backflip bending at the shoulders to the “lower” partner.”

Keywords: sports acrobatics, pair acrobatics, back-flip rondat, complex coordination technical actions, stage of highest sportsmanship.


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