Features of competitive activity and development trends of the multi-day ski race “Tour de ski” held in the framework of the World Cup stages


PhD, Professor A.G. Batalov1
A.V. Shchukin1
V.G. Senatskaya1

1The Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK», Moscow

Objective of the study was to identify trends in the development of multi-day cross-country skiing and the features of competitive disciplines included in the “Tour de ski” program.
Results and conclusions. The conducted scientific work presents changes in the competitive program within the framework of the “prestigious multi-day race”, and reveals the dynamics of the number of competitive events, which amounted to 7.2 ± 0.8 starts during its holding. The relationship between the success of the performances of ski racers at the “Tour de ski” with the final position of the athletes in the overall World Cup standings was revealed and is 70% and 76% for men and women, respectively. When assessing team performance over the seventeen-year period of the multi-day race, it was found that the Norwegian national team dominated - 13 victories in the overall standings (38.2%). In addition, material was obtained characterizing the main parameters of the relief of competitive tracks on the “Tour de ski” - length of distances (L, km), maximum elevation (MC, m), elevation difference (HD, m), sum of elevation differences (TC, m ) and calculation model of route difficulty (d, m/km).

Keywords: multi-day ski race “Tour de ski”, World Cup, ski racers, performance performance, ski slopes, TV ratings.


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