Dichotomy of methodological approaches in specification of the content of integrative control and training activity qualified hockey players


Postgraduate student A.A. Kuzmenko1
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor G.A. Kuzmenko1
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor T.K. Kim1
1Moscow Pedagogical State University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to characterize some ways to specify the content of training activities of qualified NHL and KHL hockey players through the prism of integrative and differentiated approaches and to identify vectors of pedagogical control of the coach and athlete.
Methods and structure of the study. Pedagogical observation, testing, comparative, cluster, factor analysis, generalization. The study was conducted on a contingent of qualified hockey players (qualified hockey players playing in: NHL, n=21; HC SKA, n=42).
Results and conclusions. The authors, relying on integrative and differentiated scientific approaches, have revealed ways to implement integrative control data in the training activities of qualified hockey players through the justification of its direction, and identified the vectors of pedagogical control of the coach and athlete. Data from cluster and factor analysis made it possible to characterize the hierarchical interconnectedness of the components of functional, conditioning, motor-coordination, technical and tactical readiness of qualified hockey players and to determine a number of conditions for improving sportsmanship.

Keywords: qualified hockey players, integrative control, methodological approaches, training activities, content.


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