Physical culture values and their influence on the formation of personal qualities of schoolchildren


PhD A.A. Vetrenko
University of Tyumen, Tyumen

Objective of the study was to theoretically substantiate the features of the influence of the basic values of physical culture on the formation of personal qualities of middle school students.
Methods and structure of the study. The work was attended by 7th grade students from the Ishim secondary school No. 1, in the amount of 30 people (30 boys), from September 2022 to June 2023.
Results and discussion. The main aspects of the influence of physical culture values have been identified, including the formation in schoolchildren of such personal qualities as patriotism, responsibility, personal development and self-education, the development of moral consciousness, the ability to solve moral problems based on personal choice, the formation of moral values, responsibility, the formation of communication skills in communicating with people. All this will allow you to form a comprehensive, harmonious personality.

Keywords: values of physical culture, physical culture, physical education, physical fitness.


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