The role of health-improving physical culture in improving and expanding the range of motor activity of sports veterans


T.A. Danilenko
The Ural State University of Physical Culture, Chelyabinsk

Objective of the study was to experimentally substantiate the role of health-improving physical culture for improving and expanding the range of motor activity of mature age sports veterans.
Results and conclusions. The article discusses the important role of health-improving physical culture for improving the motor activity of mature age sports veterans. At the same time, with the improvement of motor activity, sports veterans have the opportunity to participate in many types of veteran sports. It is noted that effective exercises in health-improving physical culture help strengthen the muscular corset, improve the strength of the body muscles, and expand the range of motor activity.

Keywords: health-improving physical culture, physical activity, mature sports veterans, improvement of body muscle strength, veteran sports, range of physical activity.


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