Development of physical education and sports media content in the Tyumen region


L.Е. Khromin1
PhD, Associate Professor E.V. Khromin2
1University of Tyumen, Institute of Physical Culture, Tyumen
2Department of Physical Culture, Sports and Additional Education of the Tyumen Region, Tyumen

Objective of the study was to analyze the state of physical culture and sports media content in the Tyumen region.
Methods and structure of the study. The work analyzes the scientific and methodological literature on the research topic, considers the model of PR activity used in the field of sports and physical culture at the regional level, which includes various methods of marketing communications.
Results and conclusions. An analysis of scientific and methodological literature, as well as the official electronic resource of state and municipal executive authorities of the Tyumen region showed that technologies of communication marketing and information promotion of the sphere of physical culture and sports are considered today as an innovation aimed at changing people’s attitudes towards physical culture and sports and forming the values of a healthy lifestyle.
In the Tyumen region, the main methods of communication marketing, filled with a variety of physical education and sports media content, have been tested. The effectiveness of PR activities is confirmed by the dynamics of quantitative and qualitative indicators, and most importantly, by an increase in the level of motivation of the population for physical education and sports activities.

Keywords: media content, communication marketing, PR communications, physical education and sports activity.


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