The role of humanities knowledge in the formation of soft skills in specialists in the field of physical education and sports


L.N. Shvetsova1
PhD N.A. Ushakova2
1Moscow University for Industriy and Finance «Synergy», Moscow
2The Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK», Moscow

Key words: digital reality, digitalization of education, interactive learning methods, soft skills, humanitarian knowledge.

Introduction. The modern labor market is changing at incredible speed. High demands are placed on specialists from various professional fields. During the learning process, the future specialist tries to pay more attention to the formation of professional competencies. If previously this was enough and helped a specialist to be in demand on the labor market, now, in addition to professional knowledge and skills, it is necessary to have soft skills.
The purpose of the study is to identify the role of humanitarian knowledge in the need to develop flexible skills in the context of modern requirements for specialists in the labor market.
Research results and discussion. “The new digital reality and the latest technologies raise the question of how current Russian education meets the needs of the time, whether university graduates are able to meet these needs and solve new problems in the era of the fourth industrial revolution” [1, p. 7]. It is not possible for modern education not to pay attention to this issue and leave it without a solution.
What are soft skills and why do modern specialists need them?
Soft skills (soft skills, soft skills, flexible skills) - this term refers to a wide range of skills. It includes the ability to organize teamwork, negotiate and reach agreements with colleagues, creativity, the ability to learn and adapt to change. These skills are increasingly being talked about as the skills of the future that will be in demand despite economic changes or the next technological leap.
Examples of soft skills include: analytical thinking; ability to constantly learn; an integrated approach to problem solving; critical thinking; creativity and initiative; leadership; mastery of technology; stress resistance; flexibility and adaptability; ability to reason.
It is known that employers highly value in their subordinates, in addition to professional competencies, such skills as: business etiquette; public performance; presentation skills; adaptability; optimism; communication skills, accountability; honesty; self-motivation; collaboration skills; patience; enthusiasm; confidence. These are soft skills. The importance of mastering such skills is undeniable. Soft skills help a specialist solve life problems and work with other people, discuss and negotiate, convey their opinions and promote ideas for implementation.
If a future specialist, including a specialist in the field of physical culture and sports, during his training ignores the formation of these skills as unimportant, then he risks becoming unclaimed in the labor market, and therefore an ineffective professional. Therefore, studying social and humanitarian disciplines can help a future specialist develop and form flexible skills. The widespread use of interactive teaching methods in the study of humanities, namely, solving situational problems, Socratic dialogue, training, business games, discussion of complex debatable issues will contribute to the conscious formation of flexible skills [2, p. 15].
Conclusion. A modern specialist in any professional field, including in the field of physical culture and sports, must have both professional competencies and soft skills in order to be successful and in demand in the labor market. Humanitarian knowledge is expected to play an important role in developing flexible skills in a future specialist.


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