Effectiveness of special motor training of 17-19 year old players of the football academy youth team based on individualization of physical activity


A.M. Mishatkin
Moscow State University of Sport and Tourism, Moscow

Key words: football, special motor training, individualization, physical activity, intensification of training tasks.

The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of special motor training of players aged 17–19 years of the youth football academy team based on the individualization of physical activity.
Methodology and organization of the study. The study was conducted during the 2020/2023 gaming season. on the basis of the youth team of FC Lokomotiv (Moscow). A formative pedagogical experiment was organized and conducted, in which 32 football players aged 17–19 years took part, representing the experimental (EG, n=16 people) and control groups (CG, n=16 people). Special motor training of football players aged 17–19 years included the use of high-intensity training tasks of an acyclic and game nature, taking into account the morphological and physical capabilities of players of various roles, which were performed by interval and conjugate methods. This approach provided selective influence on each football player and made it possible to compensate for lagging aspects of preparedness.
Research results and discussion. The intensification of training tasks in the process of special motor training allowed, during the formative experiment, to significantly improve the development of speed, speed-strength, coordination abilities and speed endurance, as well as the performance of control exercises, with the help of which the technical readiness of defenders, midfielders and attacking players is assessed 17– 19 years old EG (p<0.05).
It is noteworthy that during the experiment the football players from the CG showed minimal values characterizing the improvement of the considered indicators (p>0.05). By the end of the formative pedagogical experiment, the football players from the EG noted a significant increase in the indicators of overcoming the total distance by 545.1 m, as well as in the speed zone of 4.5–5.5 m/s by 63.0 m, by 5.5–7.0 m/s at 71.5m and >7.0 m/s at 18.7m in 17-19 year old players from the EG football academy (p<0.05).
Individualization of special motor training based on the intensification of training tasks made it possible to significantly increase the number of high-intensity micromovements in the EG players during the formative pedagogical experiment - by 14.7 times, the number of accelerations and decelerations performed - by 2.4 and 3.1 times, respectively. high-intensity change of direction of micromovements to the left and right – by 7.1 times (p<0.05).
Conclusion. Individual distribution of material in microcycles provides a significant increase in the development of speed, speed-strength, coordination abilities and speed endurance, and also contributes to an increase in distance and quantitative indicators of motor readiness in the process of competitive activity of players aged 17-19 years of the youth team of the football academy.


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