New Russian format of competitive activity in winter sports


Dr. Hab., Professor L.I. Lubysheva
The Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK», Moscow

The purpose of the study is to substantiate the possibilities of developing winter sports through the organization of All–Russian sports competitions.
The results of the study and conclusions. Winter sports are an integral part of the social institution of modern Russian sports. With the growth of their popularity and mass appeal, the demand for new formats of competitive activity is becoming more relevant. Under the conditions of sanctions pressure, when Russian athletes are limited in their participation in the Olympic and international sports movement, there is an urgent need to expand the Russian calendar of sports competitions. In 2023 A new format was proposed for holding Russian winter sports competitions in the form of the All-Russian Winter Spartakiad. For athletes, this competition format became an important domestic start, where it was possible to assess the level of training of an athlete and compete with the strongest. It is shown that the Spartakiad movement is the basis of the national sports system, within which the main vector of activity will be aimed at the development of high-performance sports, mass and youth sports, improving infrastructure and training professional personnel.

Keywords: winter sports, high-level competitions, Spartakiad, incentive, alternative, development.


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