Characteristics of preparatory actions in competitive fights of high qualification karateists in light and middle olympic weight categories


Postgraduate student Tyan Chzhiyue1
Postgraduate student A.Yu. Orlova1
PhD, Associate Professor Yu.L. Orlov1
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor L.G. Ryzhkova1
1The Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK», Moscow

Objective of the study was to perform a comparative analysis of the indicators of the use of preparatory actions in competitive fights of highly qualified karateists in the Olympic weight categories up to 67 kg and up to 75 kg.
Methods and structure of the study. Pedagogical supervision was carried out over highly qualified athletes occupying leading positions in the world ranking: in the light weight category – up to 67 kg. Competitive fights at the 2020 Olympics, the 2020-2021 World and Continental Championships, where athletes achieved high results, were analyzed. To obtain objective information, pedagogical observations were used using video recording tools, which allow conducting research without interfering in the competitive activity of athletes.
Results and conclusions. To achieve the stated goal of the study, criteria for assessing preparatory actions (PA) constantly used by highly qualified athletes in competitive fights at official international competitions held by the World Karate Federation (WKF) were determined. The assessment of the features of conducting competitive fights was aimed at identifying the versatility, efficiency and success of PD in fights among highly qualified karateists in the Olympic weight categories up to 67 kg and up to 75 kg. The established ratios of PD indicators make it possible to judge their influence on the implementation of combat operations in a competitive confrontation.
The data obtained make it possible to assess the differences in the use of PD among athletes whose competitive activity was examined and to identify their individual preferences. Thus, among highly qualified karateists, the versatility of physical activity among athletes in the middle weight category is significantly higher (56.3%) than among lightweight athletes (46.3%). The effectiveness of PD was noted at approximately the same level (34.3% and 36.0%, respectively), and the success of PD was slightly higher among athletes in the weight category up to 75 kg (16.8%). Significant indicators of standard deviation from the average were noted specifically among athletes of the middle weight category (versatility – 11.09%; efficiency – 12.40%; success – 6.55%). This indicates the clearly expressed individual inclinations of the competitors, differing in the level of manifestation of specialized tactical skills based on motor reactions and spatio-temporal anticipations, which ensure the implementation of technical and tactical actions when confronting athletes in competitive fights.

Keywords: competitive activity, highly qualified karateists, weight category up to 67 kg, weight category up to 75 kg, preparatory actions, versatility, efficiency, success.


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