Innovative system for monitoring the functional state and sports readiness of university students


PhD, Associate Professor V.P. Stroshkov1
Dr. Med., Professor A.L. Korepanov1
1Sevastopol State University, Sevastopol

Objective of the study was to development of an innovative system for monitoring the functional state and sports readiness of university students.
Methods and structure of the study. Program-analytical and psychophysiological approaches are applied. The software-analytical approach included flexible modeling and development methods, including the "Essence - connection" and "Essence prototype of the user interface" models, the JAVA programming language, a special application development environment for the Android operating system, SCRUM as a development management methodology. The psychophysiological approach was used when approving the monitoring system and included conducting physiometric and psychophysiological studies according to standard methods.
Results and conclusions. The pedagogical model and structure of the system for monitoring the functional state and sports readiness of students are presented. The functional architecture of the hardware and software complex has been developed. An information and analytical system of automated data collection on the physical condition of a person subjected to stress during training has been developed. Successful testing in the conditions of large-scale monitoring of the functional state and physical fitness of athletes allows recommending the developed system for use in the practice of the work of trainers and teachers of physical culture when planning and implementing the educational and training process.

Keywords: functional condition monitoring, sports training, information and analytical system.


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