Tolerance of uncertainty and achievement motivation of athletes
PhD, Associate Professor L.A. Belozerova1
PhD, Associate Professor L.V. Guryleva1
PhD, Associate Professor M.M. Silakova1
1Ulyanovsk State University of Education, Ulyanovsk
Objective of the study was to identify the relationship between tolerance to uncertainty and achievement motivation in athletes of different sexes.
Methods and structure of the study. The survey involved 40 athletes - students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, of which 20 were men, 20 were women, whose average age was 22 years. The General Tolerance to Uncertainty Scale (D. McLane (MSTAT-I), adapted by E.G. Lukovitskaya (1998) and E.N. Osin (2004), was used to measure a person’s openness to uncertainty. The severity of achievement motivation was determined by the «Motivation for Success» method and fear of failure» (MUN) by A.A. Reana. The stress tolerance questionnaire of Yu.V. Shcherbatykh was used to assess the stress sensitivity of the subjects.
Results and conclusions. Athletes with a high tolerance for uncertainty may be more motivated and focused on achieving their goals despite stress, as this helps them cope with the anxiety that arises in difficult and unpredictable situations, overcome the difficulties of sports training, and maintain achievement motivation in changing conditions.
Keywords: tolerance to uncertainty, achievement motivation, success motivation, stress resistance, stress sensitivity, athletes.
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