Types of destructive attitude of parents to the childs and adolescents sports activity


PhD, Associate Professor E.E. Khvatskaya1
PhD N.E. Latysheva1
PhD Vl.V. Andreev1
PhD Vit.Vl. Andreev1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to determining the trend of changes in the severity of the types of destructive attitudes of parents towards the child and teenager’s sports activities in order to clarify the constructive model of their behavior in the structure of psychological support for the sports reserve.
Methods and structure of the study. The main toolkit is «Methodology for studying parents attitudes towards their child’s sports activities» by E.E. Khvatskaya, N.E. Latysheva. Parents of young athletes took part in the study (2018 – n=56, 2019 – n=176, 2022 – n=87). The participation format is anonymous. To assess the significance of differences, Fishers test was used.
Results and conclusions. The severity of the destructive attitude of parents towards the child and teenagers sports activities as a source of excessive/inappropriate difficulties for the latter revealed a tendency for the number of parents with an established «model» of behavior to increase (2018 – 46.4%; 2019 – 45.45%; 2022 – 46%), more often compensating. The situational “model” in 2022 is more typical for the negative type of attitude of parents towards their child and teenager’s sports activities. At the trend level, the number of parents without a certain model of behavior (type of attitude) decreased by 8.7% (according to the φ* criterion - Fishers angular transformation: φ*amp = 1.321 p>0.05).

Keywords: young athletes, types of destructive attitudes towards child and adolescent sports, psychological support, healthy sports environment.


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