Conceptual space of self-control of mastering the requirements of sports activity by young martial artists


O.N. Bedareva1
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor G.A. Kuzmenko1
Dr. Hab., Professor N.V. Tamarskaya1
Dr. Hab., Professor Ch.T. Ivankov1
1Moscow Pedagogical State University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to taking into account the degree of satisfaction of young martial artists with communication in the “coach-athlete” system, to identify the significance of the descriptive characteristics of self-control, the organizational structure of their interaction in the sports training system.
Methods and structure of the study. The scientific work involved young martial artists aged 12-13 years old from the all-style karate club “Sparta” and using methods: surveys - questionnaires and interviews, comparative analysis, descriptive statistics, factor and cluster analysis.
Results and conclusions. Negative value judgments of young martial artists were revealed when assessing the relationship of a coach to an athlete. Personally significant semantic images of self-control are identified. A successive line of updating zones of pedagogical control for improving the parameters of action and segment of activity has been identified, where the basic basis for the implementation of self-control by a young martial artist is his cluster organization through an emotionally constructive interpretation and acceptance of self-control as a subject of sports improvement based on the associated activity of the emotional and regulatory spheres as controlling and clarifying action parameters; perception of the result of self-control through the dyad of the emotional and operational-technical spheres as a condition for developing a better action; consistency of the emotional and intellectual spheres with timely updating of cognitive functions, types of intelligence that create the experience of effective and economical action; the presence of positive experience in performing an action or combination on the basis of underlying clusters creates the condition for the full involvement of the volitional sphere.

Keywords: young martial artists, sports training, self-control, conceptual space, mastering requirements.


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