Kinematic characteristics of the run long jump in qualified athletes


PhD, Associate Professor A.N. Lutkov1
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Dorontsev2
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Shvetsov3
O.S. Vanina4
1Penza State University, Penza
2Astrakhan State Medical University, Astrakhan
3Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation, Moscow
4Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to identify the optimal parameters of the kinematic characteristics of the running long jump among qualified athletes.
Methods and structure of the study. In the conditions of a sports competition in athletics, the following indicators of the long jump were analyzed: take-off speed, sports result, accuracy of hitting the bar during take-off, percentage of successful attempts, efficiency of implementation of take-off speed. A total of 26 qualified long jumpers were examined, of which the results of the eight finalists of the competition were analyzed in more detail.
Results and conclusions. For qualified athletes, the results of the running long jump are interconnected with the percentage of achieving a personal best in this athletics discipline (r=0.769), the accuracy of hitting the take-off place is with the effectiveness of the jump (r=- 0.716). An important indicator of the effectiveness of motor actions of jumpers before take-off is the increase in horizontal speed when performing pre-take-off steps.

Keywords: long jump, qualified athletes, kinematic characteristics, sports result, relationship between indicators.


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