Features of the application of digital technologies in technical and tactical training of mass volleyball players


PhD, Associate Professor L.A. Filippova¹
PhD, Associate Professor O.L. Bystrova¹
Dr. Hab., Professor I.N. Timoshina¹
¹Ulyanovsk State University of Education, Ulyanovsk

Objective of the study was to optimization of the methodology for technical and tactical training of mass volleyball players based on the use of digital technologies.
Methods and structure of the study. The scientific work was carried out over a period of six months, and was attended by mass volleyball athletes, members of the national team of the Ulyanovsk State University of Education named after I.N. Ulyanov and Ulyanovsk State University. To organize the pedagogical experiment, control and experimental groups of 12 people were identified. Volleyball players in the control group studied according to the traditional sports training program for youth sports schools and sports schools in sports improvement groups of the first and second years of study. Digital technology tools were additionally included in the training process of volleyball players in the experimental group, ensuring an increase in the effectiveness of technical and tactical actions, and as a result, an increase in the competitive success of the team.
Results and conclusions. The conducted research allowed us to summarize: the use of digital technologies in the process of technical and tactical training of mass volleyball players contributed to the expansion of the tactical knowledge of athletes; had a training effect on the ability to act rationally in probabilistic game situations in conditions of competitive activity.

Keywords: students, volleyball players, digital technologies, technical and tactical training, competitive activity.


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