Features of the structure of competitive activity of combined skiers of various qualifications


Dr. Hab., Associate Professor V.V. Farbey
The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to identify differences in the competitive preparedness of combined skiers of various qualifications.
Methods and structure of the study. The factor structure of the main indicators of the competitive activity of combined skiers, differing in their level of qualification, is considered. The study was conducted on the basis of factual material from combined skiers in St. Petersburg, Ufa, Nizhny Tagil, Tchaikovsky, Moscow and participants in international competitions. In total, the data was analyzed: 36 athletes of categories I and II, 28 - KMS, 19 - MS, 11 - MSMS.
Results and conclusions. Based on factor analysis, the results of the competitive activity of athletes in Nordic combined, differing in their level of qualifications, are presented. The heterogeneity of the structure and the contribution of various factors depending on the level of qualification of athletes was revealed.
Sports results in different qualification groups are ensured by the composition and concentration of factors that determine a given level of preparedness and significant differences in the system of long-term training process of combined skiers in terms of: planning; form of organization; accounting and control of the load, as well as on filling and content at the stages of training athletes in Nordic combined.

Keywords: competitive activity, factor analysis, Nordic combined, factor structure.


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