Methodological approach in the development of the cognitive-volitional component of e-sportsmans


PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Kosmina1
Dr. Hab., Professor Yu.M. Makarov1
PhD, Associate Professor K.Yu. Shubin1
PhD T.I. Ulitskaya1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to justification for the use of a scientific and methodological approach in the development of the cognitive-volitional component of cybersportsmen.

Methods and structure of the study. The development of the cognitive-volitional component was carried out within the framework of integral training, based on the developed scientific and methodological approach. The experiment, which lasted 18 months, involved 52 e-sportsmen aged 18-25. Control testing of the level of cognitive-volitional indicators of the subjects was carried out every six months according to the following indicators: index of volitional self-regulation, perseverance, self-control, cognitive errors in sports based on situational awareness, awareness, control.
Results and conclusions. The use of a scientific and methodological approach in the educational and training process of e-sportsmen involved in various disciplines of computer sports makes it possible to increase the level of development of the cognitive-volitional component, which is confirmed by experimental studies. During the experiment, the level of volitional self-regulation of those involved in various disciplines of computer sports increased to 12.3%, self-control – to 10.8%, perseverance – to 15.5%, the number of cognitive errors decreased, based on situationality – to 20.4%, awareness – up to 23.4%, control – 28.7%.

Keywords: computer sports, cognitive-volitional component, situational ability, perseverance, self-control, cognitive errors.


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