Integration of the tasks of research activities in elite sports and scientific and methodological support for the preparation of national teams


Dr. Hab., Professor S.M. Akhmetov1
Dr. Hab., Professor A.I. Pogrebnoy1
1Kuban State University of Education, Sport and Tourism, Krasnodar

Objective of the study was to identifying new ways to integrate the tasks of research activities and scientific and methodological support for elite sports.
Methods and structure of the study. The work experience of complex scientific groups of Russian national sports teams and the research institute of the Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism is summarized.
Results and conclusions. One of the promising ways to integrate research activities in the field of elite sports and scientific and methodological support for the preparation of national teams is the creation, on the basis of agreements between the Center for Training Centers and universities, of regional centers or branches of departments specialized in sports. The set of interrelated tasks of their activities will make it possible to use available resources to ensure qualitative changes in the training of high-class athletes, scientific research in the field of sports and their transfer from a state of insufficient order to a state of reliability and efficiency.

Keywords: research activities, scientific and methodological support, national teams, branches of departments, integration.


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