Application of the Agashin simulator in the rehabilitation of military servants


PhD, Associate Professor S.A. Semenova1
PhD, Associate Professor A.N. Korolkov1
PhD, Associate Professor V.A. Reznikov1
Associate Professor A.S. Fandeeva1
1Hospital for War Veterans No. 3, Moscow

Objective of the study was to experimentally substantiate the effectiveness of using the Agashin simulator at the hospital stage of rehabilitation for people with consequences of mine-explosive wounds of the upper extremities.
Methods and structure of the study. The experiment was conducted at the Hospital for War Veterans No. 3 in Moscow (October-December 2023), military personnel aged 25-40 years took part in it (10 people each in the control and experimental groups) with wounds localized in the area of the elbow and wrist joints. The experiment consisted of using low-frequency simulators, assessing the condition and adjusting the type of simulator and working conditions with it.
Results and conclusions. The technology developed and tested by the authors has a high rehabilitation potential due to its proven effectiveness and accessibility. For all assessed parameters, significantly higher rates of recovery of upper limb functions lost due to injury were obtained. Also, the undoubted advantage of this technology is the ability to perform exercises according to developed programs after discharge to consolidate the achieved result and fully restore the performance of the upper extremities.

Keywords: Agashin simulator, physical rehabilitation, military personnel, mine blast wounds, functional disorders.


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