Educational work of a physical education and sports teacher in modern university conditions


Dr. Biol., Professor I.P. Zaitseva
P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University, Yaroslavl

Objective of the study was to theoretically substantiate the role of a teacher of physical education and sports in the process of educating students in a university environment.
Methods and structure of the study. An analysis of works devoted to the problem of educational work in sports education was carried out, regulatory documents were studied, the results of sociologists and socionics of the humanities on the personal qualities of a teacher and their influence on students were studied.
Results and conclusions. Responsibility for organizing and conducting the educational process in physical education of students is assigned to the Department of Physical Education and Sports. The leading role in the education of students belongs to the teaching staff. According to the author, educational work should begin from the first year and special importance should be given to the consideration of norms of tolerant behavior, the formation of skills of intercultural interaction between representatives of different races, nationalities and cultural traditions. The educational process should reveal the integrity, consistency and diversity of the world in the student’s mind, activate the process of social orientation of student youth, carry out the function of socio-cultural integration and continuity, create the basis for deepening and expanding the education and upbringing of the individual.

Keywords: educational work, pedagogical activity, students, teachers, physical education.


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