Assessment of the effectiveness of specialized training of athletes 12-14 years old in karate based on the application of the circular training method


Postgraduate student A.G. Baykhadzhiev1
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor N.V. Masyagina1
1Moscow State University of Sport and Tourism, Moscow

Keywords: karate, training activities, specialized training, circular training, physical and psychophysiological training.

The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of specialized training of athletes aged 12-14 years in karate based on the use of the circular training method.
Methodology and organization of the study. The formative pedagogical experiment was conducted from October 2022 to May 2023, it was attended by athletes aged 12-14 years of the Sparta combat club (Smolensk), qualified for the III-I adult category. The fighters of the experimental group (N= 12 people)) (EG) trained according to a specialized training program based on the circular training method, and the control group (N = 12 people ...)) () – a sports training program for the sport of karate. To assess the effectiveness of specialized training of athletes aged 12-14 years in karate based on the use of the circular training method during the preliminary stage, a two-fold determination of physical fitness and psychophysiological abilities was carried out.
Research results and their discussion. During the formative pedagogical experiment, athletes of light and heavy weight categories showed a sufficient increase in the development of speed, coordination and strength abilities, as well as joint mobility (p<0.05). According to the results of the experiment, fighters of light and heavy weight categories successfully fulfill control standards for general and special physical training. The growth rate of indicators ranges from 10 to 90%. There are no changes in KG under the influence of additional sports training programs in the sport of karate (P>0.05). In athletes of light and heavy weight categories, during the formative pedagogical experiment, there was a sufficient improvement in psychophysiological indicators: a simple visual-motor reaction, a reaction of discrimination and choice, noise immunity, as well as a total deviation from the autogenic norm and emotional-volitional performance (P<0.05). There are no changes in KGF (P>0.05).
Conclusion. The presented data confirm the high effectiveness of specialized training based on the use of the circular training method and allow us to recommend it as a universal approach in the all-around training of athletes aged 12-14 years of light and heavy weight categories at the stage of sports specialization in karate.

Used literature

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