Functional development of the cardiovascular system in young judoists
Tkacheva E.S.
Vologda State Dairy Farming Academy by N.V. Vereshchagin, Vologda
Chevychelov D.A.
Kursk State University, Kursk
Zavalishina S.Yu.
Russian State Social University, Moscow
Odintsova M.O.
Astrakhan State Medical University, Astrakhan
Objective of the study was to determine the functional capabilities of the cardiovascular system in judokas with different lengths of sports experience.
Methods and structure of the study. We observed 33 youth judoists who regularly attended the specialized section two or three times a week for different periods of time: one year – 12 people, two years – 10 people, three years – 11 people. The comparison group included 15 young men who were physically undeveloped and not interested in sports. The nature of the reaction of the heart and blood vessels to the rotational test was determined. Student's t-test was calculated.
Results and conclusions. Classes in the judo section developed the musculoskeletal system and vestibular system of those involved, ensuring a consistently normal position of the athlete’s body in space. As training experience in the judo section increases, a strengthening of the cardiovascular system is observed with a decrease in its sensitivity to vestibular irritation. The highest stability of heart rate was observed among judokas who had three years of experience in the sport.
Keywords: heart, vestibular activation, judo, sports, physical activity.
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