Sexual dimorphism and physical fitness of children of primary school age
Dr. Biol. T.F. Abramova1
PhD T.M. Nikitina1
A.V. Polfuntikova1
K.A. Oblog1
1Federal Science Center of Physical Culture and Sport (VNIIFK), Moscow
Objective of the study was to identify gender differences in the manifestations of physical qualities as the basis for developing normative assessments of physical fitness in modern boys and girls aged 6-10 years.
Methods and structure of the study. The influence of sexual dimorphism on the development of physical fitness was studied using data from 5855 children (3110 boys and 2745 girls) 6-10 years old with varying physical activity (25.4% athletes), living: in the cities.
Results and conclusions. It has been revealed that the gender identification of modern young children (2021-2022) is statistically significantly manifested by a lower level of physical fitness of girls, while the level of basic indicators of physical development is close to that of boys, which confirms the relevance of developing normative assessments of physical fitness separately for boys and girls 6– 10 years. The effect of gender was particularly pronounced in girls' higher fat mass and boys' higher performance on tests requiring increased muscle effort or longer performance times. One of the leading reasons for the priority of boys in physical fitness, despite the earlier biological maturation of girls, can be considered the social factor as the direction of the development of children’s motor skills in accordance with gender role models from a very early age on the part of parents, educators, and coaches, which is multiplied by differences in target standards of physical education.
Keywords: gender differences, physical fitness, physical development, boys, girls, 6-10 years old.
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