The use of specialized tests from related sports in assessing the athletic fitness of young snowboarders
S.K. Grechany1
PhD, Associate Professor I.P. Kosmina1
1Federal Scientific Center of Physical Culture and Sports (VNIIFK), Moscow
Keywords: young snowboarders, off-season training, testing, physical fitness, technical readiness.
Introduction. Sports practice shows that the use of sapsurfing classes in the water area and skateboarding on the pamptrack during the off-season training period for young snowboarders of racing disciplines actualizes the search for new means of assessing their technical and physical fitness.
The purpose of the study is to develop and substantiate the effectiveness of tests designed to assess the level of formation of various skills of snowboarders–riders in parallel disciplines.
Methodology and organization of the study. Along with the use of specialized tests for assessing athletic fitness, taking into account age requirements, according to the Federal Standard for Sports Training in the sport "snowboard", tests for a comprehensive assessment of technical and physical fitness of children during summer classes in related sports were developed. Testing was carried out in the water area, as well as indoors on the pump track.
A test on a pump track. Testing was carried out on the pamptrack track, which has a configuration with three turns. At the coach's command, an athlete on a skateboard had to overcome the track from start to finish as quickly as possible and without mistakes. The athlete performed three attempts in two directions – clockwise and counterclockwise. The time of the route was recorded by the electronic timing system "Brower timing system", consisting of modules: "start", "finish", "main block" with the display of results.
The "Sprint" test (sapsurfing). Testing was carried out according to the following scheme: on a straight segment of a distance of 70 meters, buoys were placed at the start and at the finish on any part of the reservoir's water area. The distance marking was set by the application in the gadget using the GPS module. Testing was performed on one meter in two directions – upstream and upstream. In the offset of each control section, young athletes performed three races for a time in each direction with a motivational attitude – the most effective passage of each race, both upstream and upstream, without falls, extra turns at a distance and in compliance with the phases of matching the paddle stroke with breathing. The time of passing the distance was recorded.
Test "Technical race" (sapsurfing). In the selected water area of the reservoir, a 100-meter-long track was installed, consisting of five buoys, four turns, where at the control sections, athletes at the end of a training session on a sapboard had to overcome the distance with turns in different directions as quickly as possible and without falling. Three attempts were made in a clockwise and counterclockwise direction. The time of the distance was recorded, as well as the technical errors committed.
Research results and conclusions. Investigating the influence of sapsurfing and skateboarding on the pamptrack in the summer on the training of young snowboarders, it was revealed that these classes contribute to improving coordination and balance among athletes during the passage of training and competitive trails. Sapsurfing and pamptrack also help to develop endurance, agility, speed and strength, which is important for snowboarders participating in races.
- Grechany S.K. The use of water sports in the off-season training of athletes-snowboarders / S.K. Grechany // Actual problems of theory and practice of physical culture, sports and tourism: mater. X All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of young scientists, postgraduates, undergraduates and students with international participation, dedicated to the year of digitalization in the Republic of Tatarstan (Kazan, April 6, 2022). Kazan: Volga GUFKSiT, 2022. Vol. 3. pp. 23-25.
- Kosmina I.P. Training of young snowboarders-riders in the off-season / I.P. Kosmina, S.K. Grechany. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoj kul'tury. 2022 No. 7. p. 64.