Student sports as a basis for the development of physical culture and sports movement students
B.S. Salmaev
The Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK», Moscow
Keywords: student sports, physical culture and sports movement, student youth, trends.
Introduction. An important role in the system of Russian policy on the development of physical culture and sports is assigned to student sports, which is considered as part of the educational and educational process aimed at the spiritual and physical development of students within educational institutions of various levels through the organization and conduct of physical culture and sports work: organized and independent forms of classes, sports competitions, physical culture and mass events and shares [1, 2]. The works of such scientists and practitioners as V. U. are devoted to the problem of improving the organization and content of the student physical culture and sports movement. Ageevets (1996), L. I. Lubysheva (2022), V. N. Platonov (2004), A. G. Pasmurov (2011), S. G. Seiranov (2023), etc.
The purpose of the study is to identify the features and trends of the development of student sports as the main factor in the development of the physical culture and sports movement of students on the basis of theoretical analysis.
The results of the study and their discussion. In the Russian Federation, the active development of student sports begins with the formation in 1993 of the all-Russian public organization "Russian Student Sports Union", the main purpose of which is to assist the state in implementing the strategy of youth policy through the effective organization of the student sports system in The Russian Federation and the development of international cooperation in this field.
In 1996, the first Festival of students of universities of Physical Culture was held on the basis of the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture and The Russian State Academy of Physical Culture in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Olympic Games of our time.
Since 2007, All-Russian sports competitions among students have been held and student sports leagues have been created.
An important factor that influenced the development of student sports is the holding in 2008 of the All-Russian Summer and Winter Universiades in sports, the All-Russian Festival of Student Sports, the Festival of Student Sports of Federal Universities [1].
In 2013, the Association of Student Sports Clubs of Russia was created, whose activities are mainly aimed at the development of mass student sports.
From 2014 to the present, all-Russian projects and events aimed at the development of student sports are being implemented: "The personnel reserve of student sports", "Students of the TRP", "From the student account to the TRP badge of distinction", "АССК.рго ", "ACCC Championship of Russia", celebration of the International Day of Student Sports, annual Ball "Stars of student sports", "Sport is the norm of life".
Conclusions. Theoretical analysis and generalization of data allowed to identify trends in the development of student sports and priority indicators. The main strategic indicators to be met by 2024 are: the creation of student sports clubs in all higher educational institutions and secondary vocational education, an increase in the proportion of students systematically engaged in physical culture and sports to 86%, an increase in the number of student sports leagues to 30%, an increase in the proportion of students systematically engaged in physical culture and sports sports in student sports clubs of an educational organization of higher education, up to 25%, an increase in the share of students of the Russian Federation, who have fulfilled the standards of tests (tests) All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for work and Defense" (TRP).
The trend of development of student sports in The Russian Federation has a positive dynamics based on the annual increase in quantitative and qualitative indicators and has an integrative approach both in the implementation of large-scale projects and in achieving the set goals.
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