Physical activity as a determinant of the formation of a healthy lifestyle culture in school-age children
PhD N.B. Lukmanova1
Researcher A.V. Malinin1
D.N. Pukhov1
1Saint-Petersburg scientific-research institute for physical culture, St. Petersburg
Objective of the study was to analyze physical activity as a determinant of the formation of a healthy lifestyle culture for school-age children.
Methods and structure of the study. The results of a survey of 534 11-year-old schoolchildren on self-assessment of health, life satisfaction, motivational interest in maintaining health, physical development, motor competence and physical fitness in two groups that differ in the level of physical activity were analyzed.
Results and conclusions. The presented data demonstrate the relationship between high rates of involvement in physical exercises and sports and school-age children's assessment of the nature of their friendships, trust and mutual assistance. The relationship between the level of physical activity and successful socialization of school-age children is interdependent.
Keywords: school-age children, self-esteem health, physical activity, monitoring, a healthy lifestyle.
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