Psycho-emotional and physical condition of participants of a mass sports event on ski racing


PhD, Associate Professor L.G. Pashchenko1
L.A. Volkov1
O.A. Chuenko1

1Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk

Objective of the study was to assess the change in the psycho-emotional state (well-being, activity, mood) of young people participating in cross-country skiing competitions, as well as to identify the parameters of physical activity and physical condition of ski race participants with different emotional responses to participation in a mass sports event.
Methods and structure of the study. The study involved young people aged 18-20 years (n=20) who participated in mass cross-country skiing competitions. The assessment of the psycho-emotional state was carried out using the questionnaire “Health. Activity. Mood"; individual load parameters during cross-country skiing and the response of the cardiovascular system were studied using the Garmin Forerunner; physical condition - using the hardware-software complex "Omega-Sport".
Results and conclusions. In the course of the study, two groups of ski race participants were identified - with a positive and negative emotional response to participation in the competition. Competitors who emotionally reacted negatively to the performance of the competitive load, there is a significant decrease in the "Well-being" indicator. Participants of the ski race, whose mood improved at the end of it, had optimal functioning of the body at rest, as well as significantly (p <0.05) high indicators of physical condition: fitness, energy supply, "sports form". The study made it possible to identify one of the reasons for the insufficient activity of young people in mass sports events: the experience of participating in a state of intense functioning of the body leads to the appearance of negative emotions, which in the future can become a barrier to reproducing competitive experience, which requires the search for competitive practices that satisfy the capabilities of the competitors and contributing to positive emotions.

Keywords: emotional response, competition, youth, well-being, activity, mood, autonomic regulation.


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