Physical condition of pedagogical workers - participants of a mass sports event on ski racing
PhD, Associate Professor O.S. Krasnikova1
PhD, Associate Professor L.G. Pashchenko1
PhD, Associate Professor S.A. Davydova1
1Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk
Objective of the study was to assess the physical condition and motives for participation in a mass sports event for cross-country skiing of pedagogical workers of a mature age university and to establish the relationship between the parameters of physical activity during the competition, the physical condition and the nature of leisure motor activity of participants in the cross-country skiing race.
Methods and structure of the study. The study involved university employees aged 35 to 39 years (n=10) who participated in mass cross-country skiing competitions (distance 1.4 km). At the first stage, with the help of the Omega hardware-software complex, the physical state was studied at rest. At the second stage, during a mass sports event in cross-country skiing, individual parameters of physical activity and the reaction of the cardiovascular system were recorded using Garmin Forerunner laboratory equipment, followed by processing in the Garmin Connect application.
Results and conclusions. The study of the physical state of university teachers aged 35-39 years who took part in the cross-country ski race showed significantly greater activity of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system at rest in those participants who tried to win the competition, compared with colleagues who participated in the competition with the goal of getting pleasure. Fixation of individual parameters of the load and the reaction of the cardiovascular system during the competition showed significantly different indicators of movement speed, time to overcome the distance, heart rate indicators in participants with different motives for participating in the ski race. The use of the competitive method in a mass sports event, which requires maximum effort from a person, actualizes the adequacy of the choice of motor mode during the competition, taking into account the physiological characteristics of the body. The presence of the relationship between the parameters of the physical condition and the activity of using the means of physical culture and sports during leisure time shows the need to create conditions at the university that promote the involvement of workers in recreational motor activities.
Keywords: physical condition, hardware and software complex "Omega", Garmin, Health Day, mature age, motives, load parameters, motor recreation.
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