The influence of physical education on the effective mastering of educational material by medical university students
Associate Professor N.I. Fetishchev1
A.N. Bryukhachev1
E.O. Bryukhacheva1
R.G. Antipina1
M.V. Shcherbakov1
1Kemerovo State Medical University, Kemerovo
Objective of the study was to evaluate the impact of physical activity on the effective assimilation of educational material by students of a medical university.
Methods and structure of the study. A survey was conducted among 48 students of the Kemerovo State Medical University (33 girls and 15 boys). A database has been collected containing information about the progress of students in such disciplines as: biology, histology, topographic anatomy, biochemistry, normal physiology, pathological anatomy, faculty therapy, propaedeutics of internal diseases, general surgery, faculty surgery, practice in surgery and therapy. The study assessed general physical fitness, running a distance of 100 meters, running a distance of 3000 meters, long jump from a place.
Results and conclusions. Physical education classes have a positive effect on the effective assimilation of educational material by students of a medical university. The students who perform the best in physical tests have higher average scores than all the rest. The authors summarize that physical activity is important for future doctors and medical workers, since their activities are accompanied by significant physical, mental and psychological stress.
Keywords: physical culture, higher educational institution, students, motor activity.
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