Formation of psychological well-being of students of the Institute of Physical Culture in the process of mastering the course "Fundamentals of Traditional Chinese Sports Culture"


Postgraduate student Yu Yicong1
PhD, Associate Professor L.N. Rogaleva1
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor G.A. Yamaletdinova1, 2
PhD, Associate Professor A.M. Burkova1
1Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg
2University for the Humanities, Yekaterinburg

Objective of the study was to develop the course "Fundamentals of Traditional Chinese Sports Culture" and evaluate its effectiveness in improving the psychological well-being of students of the Institute of Physical Culture.
Methods and structure of the study. The experiment involved 152 bachelors of the Institute of Physical Culture of the Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg. The method of K. Riff (adapted in Russian by T.D. Shevelenkova, P.P. Fesenko) was used as a research method.
Results and conclusions. The introduction of the course into the educational process, firstly, contributed to the formation of a positive attitude of students towards oriental sports culture, secondly, increased awareness of the means and methods of improving psychological well-being, and thirdly, contributed to the improvement of such components of psychological well-being as "personal growth", “goals in life”, “self-acceptance”. The results of the formative experiment prove that in the experimental group the level of psychological well-being increased in contrast to the results of the control group.

Keywords: students of the Institute of Physical Culture, traditional Chinese sports culture, psychological well-being.


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