Personality features of athletes in different disciplines of equestrian sport


PhD, Associate Professor E.L. Pozharskaya1
O.A. Buksa1

Dr. Sc.Phil., Associate Professor L.V. Shukshina1
PhD D.Ya. Ibragimova1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

Objective of the study was to identify the individual psychological characteristics of the personality of athletes involved in equestrian sports.
Methods and structure of the study. Empirical research is based on the dispositional theory of personality. It was attended by athletes involved in equestrian sports – dressage (training) and show jumping (overcoming obstacles). 50 female representatives from 18 to 25 years old have been involved in equestrian sports in general for four years, and in specific disciplines for three years. All of them have ranks from III adult to master of sports. The study used Cattell's 16PF multivariate personality study technique.
Results and conclusions. As a result of the study, aspects of sports activity were identified that have an impact on the psychological state of an athlete in equestrian sports. For dressage athletes, this aspect is the competitive period. The assessment method largely affects the psychological state of the athlete. For jumping athletes, an important aspect is the frequency of training in which a pair of rider-horse overcomes obstacles. They are much more likely to have the need to maintain self-control, since the preservation of their lives directly depends on this.

Keywords: personality, equestrian sport, sportsmen.


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