Specialized physical training for future mining rescue engineers


PhD, Associate Professor Yu.A. Dubrovskaya1
Dr. Hab., Professor G.V. Rudenko1
PhD, Associate Professor O.V. Kostromin1
1Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg

Objective of the study was to substantiate the effectiveness of the use of elements of specialized physical training of students studying in the profile "Technological safety and mine rescue" within the framework of the training program in the discipline "Physical culture and sports".
Methods and structure of the study. Experimental work on the introduction of specialized physical training into the educational process for the formation of professionally important qualities of mining rescue engineers was carried out at the St. Petersburg Mining University in the period from 2017 to 2023. Control over the level of physical fitness of students was carried out with the help of the standards of the curriculum for universities and standards for assessing the level of physical fitness of persons entering the service in the Paramilitary Mountain Rescue Unit (PMRU).
Results and conclusions. The connection between the elements of specialized physical training introduced into the educational process and the formation of professionally important qualities of future mining rescue engineers is revealed. Data analysis showed a steady growth dynamics of results in all parameters, which allows us to judge the appropriateness of using specialized physical training within the discipline "Physical Culture and Sports" for training students in the profile "Technological Safety and Mine Rescue Business".

Keywords: mine rescuer, specialized physical training, students, professional qualities, PMRU.


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