Psychological support for sports reserve


PhD, Associate Professor E.E. Khvatskaya1
V.S. Polkanova1

Dr. Psych., Professor L.K. Serova1
Dr. Hab., Professor V.G. Fedorov1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sports and Health, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to determine the complex of tasks of the psychological support of the sports reserve in accordance with the stage of sports training.
Methods and structure of the study. As part of the research work on the topic “Improving the psychological and pedagogical support of a sports career” (2021-2023) (Order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated December 22, 2020 No. 955), methods of theoretical analysis, a survey, psychodiagnostic methods, hardware methods, ascertaining and formative experiments, mathematical-statistical methods. The project of the professional standard (PS) "Sports psychologist", developed by the NPO "Association of Sports Psychologists" (ASP), was taken into account to achieve a balance between the tasks of psychological support of the sports reserve and the functional palette of a specialist.
Results and conclusions. The tasks of psychological support of athletes in the structure of sports training were determined taking into account the project of the professional standard "Sports psychologist" developed by the ASP (G.B. Gorskaya, L.G. Ulyaeva, E.E. Khvatskaya). The priority is the principles of development (functions, processes, states and properties), prevention of adverse effects on athletes of long-term sources of mental stress, starting from the first steps of a child in sports (and, if necessary, their leveling), proactivity, as well as the ideas of resource and environmental approaches in positioning of this process. The effectiveness of the tasks is also supported by acts of implementing the results of scientific work into practice.

Keywords: psychological support, tasks, sports reserve, project of the professional standard "Sports psychologist".


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