Functional features of the heart of swimmers


PhD M.A. Grishan1
Dr. Biol., Professor S.Yu. Zavalishina1
PhD, Associate Professor S.V. Tokareva2
A.Yu. Skripina2
1Russian State Social University, Moscow
2Southwest State University, Kursk

Objective of the study was to evaluate the cardiac activity of young swimmers.
Methods and structure of the study. The scientific work was carried out on 19 young swimmers with at least three years of swimming experience. The control group included 22 young volunteers who had not been involved in sports throughout their lives. In both groups, an ultrasound examination of the heart was performed using the SSD-80 Aloka device (Japan). Statistical processing was carried out by calculating Student's t-test.
Results and conclusions. In trained swimmers, hypertrophy of the left ventricle was noted with an increase in the mass and thickness of its posterior wall, with an optimum of its external size and cavity volume. In swimmers, a physiologically beneficial increase in the mass of the left ventricle was noted with its normal contractility and the optimal size of its cavity. Well-trained swimmers had a higher rate of myocardial relaxation than physically untrained young men.

Keywords: swimming, ultrasound, myocardium, heart, left ventricle, physical training.


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