Influence of load of stepwise increasing power on blood saturation in athletes in the state of normoxia and acute hypoxia


Dr. Biol., Professor R.V. Tambovtseva1
Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Dr. Hab., Professor S.G. Seyranov1 orcid 0000-0002-4866-1030
PhD, Associate Professor Yu.L. Voitenko1
PhD, Associate Professor A.I. Laptev1
1Russian University Sport (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Objective of the study was to assess the effect of aerobic work on blood saturation in the state of normoxia and acute hypoxia in light and air athletes.
Methods and structure of the study. The experiment involved highly skilled track and field athletes who, under hypoxic exposure, performed a test of stepwise increasing power. The degree of saturation of hemoglobin with oxygen during testing aerobic exercise in the state of normoction and acute hypoxia was assessed using the InSpectra TM StO2 device.
Results and conclusions. It has been shown that the use of infrared spectroscopy and constant monitoring of the level of oxygenation of the working muscle tissue makes it possible to accurately determine the transport of oxygen in the muscles during aerobic testing loads.
Training with hypoxic exposure has a positive effect on work in the aerobic power zone, increasing the overall endurance of athletes involved in cyclic sports.

Keywords: blood saturation, oxygen, aerobic zone, track and field athletes, working capacity, MOC, ANOT.


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